Sunday, February 10, 2008


The day is finally over! Normal routine wake up around 10am and class at noon. No test today; we finished going over the two other planes, the Embraer 140 & 135. Mostly just safety equipment and location of things. That was most of the day. The last half was spent practicing our "Safety Demo" We got back to the hotel around 6pm and then I my group had to be at the Hangar at 10pm and we just got back about an hour ago. Tonight we spent going over out "preflight checklist" all the items that we must check to ensure is in proper order and what are the preflight's for each item. Here are a few:

POB (Portable Oxygen Bottle) Present & Secure, Above 1200 PSI, Two O2 Masks & one connected to the output valve.

PBE (Protective Breathing Equipment) Present & Secure, Vacuum Packed/Sealed, Plastic Cover Intact

MRT (Manual Release Tool) Present & Secure

Halon Fire Extinguisher - Present & Secure, Gauge in green, Pin Intact, Tamper Evident Seal Intact

AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Present & Secure, Flashing hourglass Symbol, Two sets of pads, One razor

EEMK (Enhanced Emergency Medical Kit) Present & Secure, Tamper Evident Seal, Stethoscope & Blood pressure cuff in outermost pocket

First Aid Kit- Present & Secure, Tamper Evident Seal Intact

Grab & Go Kit- Present & Secure

Flashlight- Present & Secure, Solid red light

These are just a FEW of the items that MUST be checked at the beginning of every shift/or first flight or a/c swap to ensure that these and MANY other items are working and present. These are also items that the a/c can NOT fly without. So as you can imagine there is alot of background stuff that goes on that you as a customer are not even aware about. Anyway I gotta hit the sack, I got a test tomorrow over all the different types of aircrafts. Nite!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! All these years and so many air miles under my belt and I really had no idea how much the FA had to do - and know.

Each time I board now I will be sure to give the FA my full attention and the respect they deserve.

You are doing great! Keep up the hard/good work and keep posting. We are all learning so much from your posts and the whole family is checking your blog daily to read the latest updates.