Thursday, February 7, 2008


What an amazingly wonderful day, I slept till about two and did pretty much nothing. Just wanted to post to let everyone know we had today off. I just got done studying about 30mins ago for tomorrow's test. I have to go in early for my retest which I will do great on, and then our Emergency Equipment test. Anyway goodnight everyone!


Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog! I graduated in the August 07 Chatauqua Class and then quit as I wasn't comforable enough to be the lone FA in the air... I wish I had did Shuttle and regret that I chose CHA for I was wanting IAH for my base as I live in SAT. Are Dustin, Joy, Pam and eww can't think of other instructor's name.... still there? They were all very nice, and made training fun.

Anonymous said...

Durn it I just remembered it is ROD! He was so funny and quite the dancer:)))) Ask him!!!

SWILLIS said...

Actually a guy named Scott that used to train for Shuttle and Republic is now doing Chautauqua again. So its him and Joy, Pam and Rod.

Anonymous said...

So where is Dustin???? He was a real peach... We loved him!

SWILLIS said...

Dustin went with Northwest in Management.